“Entangled” Series


In March 2020, Beverly McIver was told by Duke University to stay home and conduct her classes online. She, like others across the country, was forced into isolation as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Several months later, summer also became a focal point for racial unrest, with the unjust deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arberty, Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland and so many other African Americans at the hands of police, giving rise to civil unrest that prompted the Black Lives Matter movement.

Beverly took to painting, wanting to see how she could best capture the angst, depression, and confinement that she, along with so many others, were experiencing during these tumultuous times. She continues to explore self portraiture using scarves, ropes, netting or tubing, in order to represent the artist’s ongoing battle with the uncertainly of today’s ever-shifting climate.